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Risks of death at extreme old ages

Risks of death at extreme old ages

The research was conducted by doctoral student Linh Hoang Khanh Dang, supervised by France Meslé and Carlo Giovanni Camarda of the French Institute for Demographic Studies (INED) and Nadine Ouellette of the University of Montreal.

Duration of the Project: 2016 – 2020


Several international studies have been conducted recently on mortality after the age of 110 (Maier et al., 2010). Nevertheless, many uncertainties remain. The objective of this research project was to estimate the risks of death beyond the age of 90, based on empirical data from Belgium, France and Quebec, and to study how those risks have evolved since the 1980s. The research aims not just to specify the level of death risk but also to shed new light on the shape of the mortality curve at very old ages. 

Main results:
  1. Mortality trajectory at extreme old ages

  2. Deceleration of mortality at very old ages

Once the evolution of mortality with age is better known, it will be possible to update mortality tables by generation for France with a greater refinement of hypotheses on the evolution of mortality at advanced ages, the overall aim being to estimate life expectancy for all generations born in the 20th century. 

Click here to read the final report.


To know more

  • An online conference-debate « Risks of death at extreme old ages” has been organized by the SCOR Foundation for Science,
    on Wednesday, September 28, 2022, with Linh DANG