2022 | Annual Actuarial Awards

Each year, the SCOR Foundation holds the French Actuarial Awards in Paris in partnership with the French Institute of Actuaries

2022 Actuarial Prize

The Foundation places great importance on the development of actuarial science and risk management, and each year rewards the best actuarial diploma dissertation submitted by a French, Belgian or Swiss institution (Prix des Jeunes Actuaires) as well as the best doctoral thesis on topics relating to an economic, financial or insurance issue linked to risk management (Prix des Jeunes Docteurs).

Denis Kessler, Chairman of SCOR, presented the 2022 Actuarial Awards for France during a conference held on December 13, 2022, in conjunction with the French Institute of Actuaries.

François HU, post-doctorate at the University of Montreal, received the Prix des Jeunes Docteurs for his thesis on “Fairness and active learning in multi-class problems: operational proposals with regulatory applications”.

Stella JOVET, Cyber Treaty Underwriter chez Swiss Re, was awarded the Prix des Jeunes Actuaires for her dissertation on “Optimisation de la rentabilité de risques catastrophes naturelles à l’aide d’un algorithme génétique : application à un portefeuille ouragan mexicain”.


To consult all of the award-winning dissertations and theses,
go to the dedicated Actuarial Awards page here.