Each year, the SCOR Foundation for Science finances an award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance, as part of the Europlace Finance Institute...
As its name indicates, the objective of the Foundation is to support scientific research. Thus the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science may lend its support to different kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences, prizes and publications within the framework of its orientations and means.
In 2019, the Foundation supported a conference organized by the Cercle des économistes and the daily newspaper Le Monde, on the following theme: “2019, the end...
Each year, the French Association for Emerging Infectious Diseases (l’Association MIE) holds a seminar designed to promote debate, discussion and knowledge...
The project was led by the University of Manitoba, under the direction and supervision of the Principal Investigator Lysa Porth, an academic staff member at the...
The aim of the GEFS project was to improve the tools used for earthquake forecasting. The study was conducted by Prof. Didier Sornette (Principal Investigator)...
The study was conducted by Marius-Dan Pascariu, currently employed by SCOR-Life, and coordinated by James Vaupel, Professor at the University of Southern...
December 10, 2018 - Odense, Denmark
Sponsored by SCOR and held in Paris in conjunction with TSE on November 30, 2018
June 21-22, 2018 - Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
The French Natural History Museum held an international workshop from June 6 to 8, 2018 called “Meteorites – Understanding the origin of Planetodiversity”, in...
Research project identifying inborn errors of immunity in tuberculosis (TB) to propose new immune-system-restoring treatments for TB. Coordinated by Laurent...
Large-scale empirical investigation to develop a compendium of best practices to improve the quality of internal risk information transmission within critical...