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2018 | Annual Actuarial Awards, in partnership with the French Institute of Actuaries

In partnership with the French Institute of Actuaries, the SCOR Foundation holds the French Actuarial Awards in Paris each year.


The Foundation places great importance on the development of actuarial science and risk management, and each year rewards the best actuarial diploma dissertation submitted by a French, Belgian or Swiss institution (Prix des Jeunes Actuaires) as well as the best doctoral thesis on topics relating to an economic, financial or insurance issue linked to risk management (Prix des Jeunes Docteurs). 

On December 13, 2018 in Paris, France, Denis Kessler, Chairman & CEO of SCOR, and Philippe Trainar, Director of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, presented the 2018 Actuarial Awards for France in conjunction with the French Institute of Actuaries.

Sarah Kaakai, of the CMAP-Ecole Polytechnique, received the Young Doctors’ prize for her thesis, “Nouveaux paradigmes en dynamique de populations hétérogènes: Modélisation trajectorielle, agrégation, et données empiriques” (New paradigms in heterogeneous population dynamics: Pathwise modeling, Aggregation, and Empirical evidence). The Young Actuaries’ prize was awarded to Rémi Gauville of EURIA for his dissertation, “Projection du ratio de solvabilité : des méthodes de machine learning pour contourner les contraintes opérationnelles de la méthode des SdS” (Projection of the solvability ratio: machine learning techniques to circumvent the operational constraints of the nested simulations method). Isaac Haik of ENSAE received a special mention for his dissertation, “Text mining et reconnaissance d’écriture appliqués à l’assurance” (Text mining and writing recognition applied to insurance).

Click here to read the full press release.


To consult all of the award-winning dissertations and theses, go to the dedicated Actuarial Awards page here.

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