2024 | Annual Actuarial Awards

Each year, the SCOR Foundation holds the French Actuarial Awards in Paris in partnership with the French Institute of Actuaries 

2022 Actuarial Prize

The Foundation places great importance on the development of actuarial science and risk management, and each year rewards the best actuarial diploma dissertation submitted by a French, Belgian or Swiss institution (Prix des Jeunes Actuaires) as well as the best doctoral thesis on topics relating to an economic, financial or insurance issue linked to risk management (Prix des Jeunes Docteurs).

The 2024 Actuarial Awards for France were presented in December 2024, following the annual actuarial conference organized in conjunction with the French Institute of Actuaries.

Sébastien Farkas, of Sorbonne University, received the Prix des Jeunes Docteurs for his doctoral dissertation “Mathématiques appliquées à l’assurance des risques numériques” (Mathematics applied to the insurance of digital risks).

Nicxan Hensman Stalin, of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL, was awarded the Prix des Jeunes Actuaires for his thesis “Modélisation d’une carte d’exposition au risque ouragan aux États-Unis” (Modeling a hurricane exposure map in the USA).

To consult all of the award-winning papers,
go to the dedicated Actuarial Awards page here.