2024 | IEF/SCOR Foundation for Science Award: Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance
Two joint winners were named in 2024.

The 2024 IEF/SCOR Foundation for Science award for the Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance was presented on March 19, 2024, during the 17th Financial Risks International Forum in Paris. Organized by Institut Louis Bachelier, the theme of this year’s Forum was “Big Data and Algorithmic Finance”.
Two winners were jointly named Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance this year: Claire Célérier, Associate Professor of Finance at University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management, and Paul Karehnke, Associate Professor of Finance at ESCP Business School. The pair, who each received a cheque for €7,500, are the ninth winners of the IEF/SCOR prize and were voted for by a large majority.
Philippe Trainar, Director of the SCOR Foundation for Science, commented: “I am delighted to present this IEF-SCOR award. This prize recognizes exceptional contributions to academic research in finance and insurance. There are two winners this year, which testifies to the vitality and high quality of European, and particularly French, research”.
Elyès Jouini, Chairman of the Scientific Board of the Institut Louis Bachelier, said: “The nominees are selected by the ILB Fellows and the Scientific Board. The winners are then chosen by a vote of the members of the IEF Scientific Board. This year's winners are Claire Célérier (University of Toronto) and Paul Karehnke (ESCP Business School). Due to professional constraints, Claire Célérier is not here today, but I am very pleased to let Paul present his research. »
The Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF) launched The Best Young Researcher Award in 2005 for promising researchers under the age of 40. The “Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance” award has been sponsored by the SCOR Foundation for Science since 2016.
About the winners

Claire Célérier
Claire Célérier is the Canada Research Chair in Household Finance, Associate Professor of Finance at University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. Claire's research explores how finance can benefit households, investigating the role of innovation and the impact on diversity and inclusion. She addresses these questions taking different perspectives, from behavioral economics, to asset pricing and history. Her work has been published in refereed academic journals, including the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Finance and Review of Financial Studies, and has raised the interest of several medias, central banks and regulators around the world. https://www.clairecelerier.com.

Paul Karehnke
Paul Karehnke is an Associate Professor of Finance at ESCP Business School. He received a joint PhD from Université Paris-Dauphine and Tilburg University in 2014 and a research direction degree (HDR) from Université Toulouse 1 Capitole in 2021. Prior to joining ESCP in 2018, he was a Lecturer and then a Senior Lecturer at the University of New South Wales in Sydney (Australia). His research interests include asset pricing, investments, behavioral finance, and choice under risk. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Management Science, and Review of Finance. He has also served as a referee for top-tier finance and economics journals, and he is currently an associate editor at the Journal of Empirical Finance. https://escp.eu/karehnke-paul.

About the Institut Europlace de Finance and the Louis Bachelier Group network
Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF), Fondation du Risque (FdR) and Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) form together the Louis Bachelier Group. The backbone of the Louis Bachelier Group (ILB, FdR, IEF) and its network is research that aims to promote sustainable development in Economics and Finance. The Louis Bachelier Group currently hosts more than 60 research programmes within four main societal transitions: environmental, digital, demographic and financial. www.institutlouisbachelier.org

About the SCOR Foundation for Science
The mission of the Foundation is to support scientific research. The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science lends its support to various kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences and publications.