Crowdsourced Felt Reports to Distinguish High-Impact from Low-Impact Earthquakes within Minutes of an Event

Utilization of Crowdsourced Felt Reports

The project is led by EMSC (European Meditarranean Seismological Centre), a non-profit organization constituting one of the world’s main centers of seismological information. The project builds on an existing working prototype developed by scientists, which has evolved over the past 15 years into one of the top two global prototypes in this field.

As part of the “Social Media, Citizen Seismology and Reducing Earthquake Risk” project, led by EMSC (European Meditarranean Seismological Centre), and funded by the SCOR Foundation for Science, the attached article provides a detailed description and discussion of the project's innovative philosophy as well as its implementation. The article explores how we might make use of crowdsourced “felt reports” to distinguish high-impact from low-impact earthquakes within minutes of an event that occurs anywhere in the world. This could  allow for innovation and optimisation of  crisis management, which is key to limiting and controlling the extent of disasters’ claims.


More information is available here:

Social Media, Citizen Seismology and Reducing Earthquake Risk

