2022 | The IEF/SCOR Foundation for Science Award: Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance,
The Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance 2022, has been named

Paris, the 22nd March 2022, the IEF/SCOR Foundation for Science award: Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance has been attributed today in Paris, during the 15th Financial Risks International Forum, organized by Institut Louis Bachelier.

Jean-Édouard Colliard, HEC
This year, the winner is Jean-Édouard Colliard, associate professor of Finance, HEC Paris. He is the 7th IEF/SCOR award winner and was elected with an impressive majority of votes for Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance 2022.
“The mission of the SCOR Foundation for Science is to support scientific research. With this award and a winner like Jean-Édouard Colliard, we do exactly that. Mr. Colliard has proven, through publications and a broad recognition among peers, that he is a researcher we should pay attention to when seeking solutions for the financial issues of today and tomorrow. We are proud to give him this 2022 award and for the 7th time give it in partnership with Institut Europlace de Finance and the Louis Bachelier Group”, says Zeying Peuillet, General Secretary of the SCOR Foundation for Science.
“Jean-Édouard Colliard has been part of the Louis Bachelier Network since his early career and was already recognized by the Louis Bachelier Group in 2015, when he was selected for the IEF grant on the “Measuring Regulatory Complexity” paper. We are very pleased to see this young researcher be acknowledged not only by us, but also by our partners and the surrounding academic eco-system”, says Didier Valet, President, Institute Europlace de Finance and Vice-President, Institut Louis Bachelier.
The Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF) launched The Best Young Researcher Award in 2005 for a promising researcher under the age of 40. This award of “Best Young Researcher in Finance and Insurance” has been sponsored by the SCOR Foundation for Science since 2016. Candidates are nominated by the Scientific Board members of Institut Louis Bachelier and the Scientific Board members of IEF. The award winner is voted by the Louis Bachelier Academic Fellows college.
Jean-Édouard Colliard is Associate Professor of Finance at HEC Paris, which he joined in 2014. He obtained a PhD in economics in 2012 from the Paris School of Economics. Before joining HEC, Jean-Édouard worked for two years as an economist in the research department of the European Central Bank. He is the co-holder of the "Analytics for Future Banking" research chair (HEC Paris - Natixis - Polytechnique).
His main research areas are the regulation of financial institutions and the microstructure of financial markets, including topics such as financial transaction taxes, over-the-counter markets, bank capital requirements or the European Banking Union.
His research focuses on the regulation of banks and securities markets. In his articles, he studies theoretically or empirically various market failures, discusses regulatory proposals and warns against their possible perverse effects or proposes alternative solutions. He has studied topics such as the taxation of financial transactions, the regulation of trading fees set by stock exchanges, the calculation of regulatory capital for banks, the single European supervisory mechanism or the regulation of systemic risk.
Jean-Édouard's research has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Finance, the Review of Financial Studies, the Review of Finance and Management Science. He is an associate editor of the journal Management Science.
Jean-Édouard received the HEC Foundation’s Research Award in 2021, the Young Researcher Award in Economics from the Banque de France Foundation in 2017 and the Young Researcher Award 2015 from the AMF (Autorité des Marchés Financiers).
About the Institut Europlace de Finance and the Louis Bachelier Group:
Institut Europlace de Finance (IEF), Fondation du Risque (FdR) and Institut Louis Bachelier (ILB) form together the Louis Bachelier Group. The backbone of the Louis Bachelier Group (ILB, FdR, IEF) and its network is research, that aims to promote sustainable development in Economics and Finance. The Louis Bachelier Group currently hosts more than 60 research programmes within four main societal transitions: environmental, digital, demographic and financial.
About the SCOR Foundation for Science:
The mission of the Foundation is to support scientific research. The SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science lends its support to various kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences and publications.
About the Financial Risks International Forum:
The 15th Financial Risks International Forum has its focus on the environmental transition and carries the title:
“Climate Risks & Green Transition”.