“Macroeconomic Risk” SCOR - PSE Chair, Newsletter n°8
"Can Democracy Survive a Concentrated Economy?"

The Paris School of Economics chair on Macroeconomic Risk, funded by the SCOR Foundation for Science since 2018 and led by Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS), published its 8th newsletter on January 19, 2022. The newsletter includes an interview with Luigi Zingales (The University of Chicago Booth School of Business), who gave the Chair’s third annual lecture back in June 2021: “Can Democracy Survive a Concentrated Economy?”.
It also contains a brief summary of the following research papers discussed at the 4th international conference organized by the Chair in September 2021: “Back to which normal? Challenges and opportunities for the global economy after the pandemic”:
• A Model of Post-2008 Monetary Policy, by Olivier Loisel (CREST, ENSAE)
• A Model of Credit, Money, Interest and Prices, by Saki Bigio (UCLA, NBER)
• Falling Interest Rates and Credit Misallocation: Lessons from General Equilibrium, by Alberto Martin (CREi, UPF, Barcelona GSE)
• The Effect of Macroeconomic Uncertainty on Household Spending, by Olivier Coibion (University of Texas at Austin)
• Zero Lower Bound on Inflation Expectations, by Dmitriy Sergeyev (Bocconi University)