SCOR Foundation Webinar | Geolearning

Delivered by INRAE Research Director and Geolearning Chairholder Denis Allard - February 13, 2025

Geolearning Chair

On February 13, 2025, the SCOR Foundation held a webinar on Geolearning, delivered by Geolearning Chairholder Denis Allard.

The webinar presented the challenges faced and some of the advances that have been made in the Geolearning Chair, in terms of the modeling and analysis of extreme and high-impact compound events. Using case studies such as heat waves and fire danger in Provence (France), simultaneous flooding on two river basins, and teleconnections at the European scale, Denis Allard and the chair researchers showed how recent modeling strategies have enabled them to quantify the frequency and amplitude of these events.  

Denis Allard is Research Director at INRAE, specializing in geostatistics and spatial statistics applied to environmental and climate sciences. His work focuses on modeling spatio-temporal data, analyzing extreme climate events, and developing machine learning methods. He leads the Geolearning Chair (2023-2027), which is funded by the SCOR Foundation, ANDRA, CCR and BNP-Paribas, with the aim of applying data science to climate and ecological challenges.

For more information, go to the Geolearning Chair page.


Read the presentation
