Biodiversity and (Re)Insurance Conference

Biodiversity and (Re)Insurance Conference

Funded by SCOR, SCOR-MNHN Research Chair in Biodiversity and (Re)Insurance aims to assess the current diversity situation and to study the current and potential interactions between biodiversity and (re)insurance, particularly in terms of damage caused and constraints to be imposed.


 To conclude its research activity, the chair has published a report entitled “Biodiversity and Re/Insurance: An Ecosystem at Risk”. This document reviews the scientific evidence of links between present and future human activities and biodiversity, investigates the extent to which (re)insurance activities impact biodiversity, examines the risks that biodiversity loss will create for future human activities and explores the opportunities that acting in favor of biodiversity could generate. 

The conclusions of this report were discussed with scientists and (re)insurance professionals during a dedicated online conference organized jointly by the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle and the SCOR Foundation for Science on May 5, 2021, as part of the momentum in the run up to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP15 due to be held in Kunming, China, in October 2021.