2023 | SCOR-PSE Macroeconomic Risk Chair Annual Conference

PSE Macro Day 2023 - October 16, 2023
Paris School of Economics

The Macroeconomic Risk Chairs at the Paris School of Economics present the 2023 edition of the PSE Macro Day on the topic “Structural changes and their implications for Macroeconomic Risks, Dynamics and Policies”




8:45 - Welcome Coffee
9:00-9:45 - The Medical Expansion, Life-Expectancy and Endogenous Directed Technical Change - Alexander Ludwig (Goethe University Frankfurt), Leon Huetsch, Dirk Krueger
9:45-10:30 - Decomposing the Drivers of Global R* - Rana Sajedi (Bank of England), Ambrogio Cesa-Bianchi, R. Harrison
10:30-11:00 - Coffee break
11:00-11:45 - The Spatial and Distributive Implications of Working-from-home: A General Equilibrium Model - Morgane Richard (University College London)
11:45-12:30 - Female Labor Force Participation and Structural Transformation - Xincheng Qiu (Arizona State University), Moritz Kuhn, Iourii Manovskii
12:30-13:30 - Lunch break

13:30-14:15 - Unequal Global Convergence - Elisa Giannone (CREI), Shoumitro Chatterjee, Kan Kuno
14:15-15:00 - Technological Change and Earnings Inequality in the U.S.: Implications for Optimal Taxation - João G. Oliveira (Nova SBE), Pedro Brinca, Hans A. Holter:
15:00-15:30 - Coffee break
15:30-16:15 - The dynamic effects of income taxes in a world of ideas - Joseba Martinez (London Business School)
16:15-17:15 - Keynote: The A.I. Dilemma: Growth versus Existential Risk - Chad Jones (Stanford University)