2023 | SCOR-TSE Chair - SCOR-EGRIE Young Economist Awards

The 2023 SCOR-EGRIE Young Economist Awards went to Moritz Loewenfeld and Jiakun Zheng, for their paper “Uncovering correlation sensitivity in decision marking under risk”.

TSE_Chair Picture

The 2023 SCOR-EGRIE Young Economist Awards went to Moritz Loewenfeld (Toulouse School of Economics) and Jiakun Zheng (Aix-Marseille School of Economics), for their paper “Uncovering correlation sensitivity in decision marking under risk”. The Selection Committee is comprised of Christophe Courbage, Professor of Economics (Geneva School of Business Association), Elyès Jouini, Professor of Economics (Université Paris-Dauphine), Philippe Trainar, Professor of Risk and Insurance (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers – Paris) and Director of SCOR Foundation for Science, Bertrand Villeneuve, Professor of economics (Université Paris Dauphine) and Stéphane Villeneuve, professor of applied mathematics (Toulouse School of Economics).

Moritz Loewenfeld (Toulouse School of Economics) and Jiakun Zheng (Aix-Marseille School of Economics)

The award is organized under the aegis of the “Risk Markets and Value Creation” Chair, which brings together the SCOR Foundation for Science and the Toulouse School of Economics.


The European Group of Risk and Insurance Economists (EGRIE), created by the Geneva Association in 1973, is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting research on risk and insurance. It notably publishes the Geneva Risk and Insurance Review and organizes scientific conferences.

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SCOR-TSE Chair - 2023 SCOR - EGRIE Young Economist Awards - Paper - MoritzLoewenfeld_JiakunZheng_Cover