Creation of a chair on Macroeconomic Risk with the Paris School of Economics (PSE)
The SCOR Foundation for Science joins forces with the Paris School of Economics to create a research chair on macroeconomic risk

Under the scientific leadership of Gilles Saint-Paul (PSE, ENS) and the executive leadership of Nicolas Dromel (PSE, CNRS), the new SCOR-PSE chair aims to promote the development and dissemination of macroeconomic risk research.
The work of the SCOR-PSE chair includes:
- developing and promoting scientific articles to be submitted for publication in top international journals;
- inviting renowned international scholars to participate in teaching and research programs;
- creating workshops and roundtables between SCOR and PSE members;
- awarding an annual prize to a young researcher for excellence in his or her work;
- organizing seminars, an annual lecture, and an annual conference to present and discuss work on the cutting-edge of international macroeconomic risk research.
The inaugural conference of the SCOR-PSE Chair on “Macroeconomic Risk” will take place on Friday, June 15, 2018, at the Paris School of Economics. The full program is available here.
André Levy-Lang, chairman of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science, comments: “Since the beginning of the financial crisis, macroeconomic risk has become one of the major risks facing the (re)insurance industry. Over the coming years, macroeconomics is going to play an increasingly significant role in the sector. Through the SCOR-PSE chair, the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is actively involved in research efforts in this field, thereby actively contributing to financial stability.”

Gilles Saint-Paul is a Professor at the Paris School of Economics and Ecole Normale Superieure ENS, and Global University Professor at New York University Abu Dhabi. He is also a research fellow of CEPR, IZA and CES-Ifo and a former member of the Conseil d’Analyse Economique. He has served as a consultant for various central banks, ministries, and international institutions. His research, which spans a variety of macroeconomics topics, from labor markets to political economy to bubbles to fiscal policy, has been published in leading journals such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy and the Quarterly Journal of Economics, among others. He has authored several books.

Nicolas Dromel is an Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics and a Research Economist at the French National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS). Nicolas has been a contributor to the Banque de France Chair at PSE (since 2010) and to the SCOR-PSE first research partnership (since 2013). Since 2017, he has been deputy scientific director for Social Sciences and Humanities with the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. He has held visiting positions with the University of California, Los Angeles, and New York University Abu Dhabi. His research is on the determinants of productivity, the macroeconomic consequences of market imperfections and stabilization policies, and has been published in journals such as the Review of Economics and Statistics, Labour Economics, and Economics Letters, among others.