Risk and Insurance Conference in honor of Pierre Picard
September 14 and 15, 2023
Ecole Polytechnique and Cité Internationale, Paris

The SCOR Foundation for Science recently supported a conference on risk and insurance held in honor of Pierre Picard, Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, who has devoted much of his academic work to the economic analysis of risk and insurance. The event was organized by CREST (Center for Research in Economics and Statistics, ENSAE, Paris), and took place in Paris on September 14 and 15, 2023, at Ecole Polytechnique and Cité Internationale.
The conference brought together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to present and exchange their research results in five subject areas:
- Contract Theory, with two presentations: (1) Money and Taxes Implement Optimal Dynamic Mechanisms by Jean-Charles Rochet (Toulouse School of Economics), and (2) Competitive Nonlinear Pricing under Adverse Selection by François Salanié (INRAE & TSE).
- Public Policies, with two presentations: (1) “Short-lived gasses, carbon markets and climate risk mitigation” by Enrico Biffis (Imperial College, London) (link not yet available), and (2) Stress Discounting by Christian Gollier (Toulouse School of Economics).
- Insurance, with three presentations: (1) “Road traffic accidents in France: compensation for body injury in France” by Pierre-Yves Geoffard (Paris School of Economics) (link not yet available), (2) Consumer Protection in Retail Investments: Are Market Adjusted Damages Efficient? by Claude Fluet (Université Laval), and (3) New Safety Technologies and Vehicle Safety by Michael Hoy (University of Guelph).
- Risk Theory, with three presentations: (1) A Simple Approach for Measuring Higher-Order Risk Attitudes by Rachel J. Huang (National Central University, Taiwan), (2) A Complete Characterization of Downside Risk Preference by Arthur Snow (University of Georgia), and (3) The many faces of multivariate risk-taking: Risk apportionment for desirable and undesirable attributes by Richard Peter (University of Iowa).
- Empirical Insurance, with two presentations: (1) Consolidation of the US property and casualty insurance industry: Is climate risk a causal factor for mergers and acquisitions? by Georges Dionne (HEC Montreal), and (2) Collusion between Retailers and Customers: The Case of Insurance Fraud in Taiwan by Kili Wang (Tamkang University, Taiwan).