Supporting risk research and the dissemination of risk-related knowledge
In 2022, the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science decided to co-finance the Geolearning Chair alongside BNP-Paribas, CCR (Caisse centrale de réassurance) and ANDRA (Agence nationale pour la gestion des déchets radioactifs). Established for a period of five years (2022 to 2027), this Chair aims to develop and apply methods stemming from the recent data science revolution to the challenges created by the climate transition. More specifically, the Chair will develop models and methods in geostatistics, in the theory of extreme events, and in machine learning, with applications to environmental science, to climate, and more generally to natural hazards (floods, storms, etc.).

The Foundation is part of SCOR's long-term commitment to risk research and the dissemination of risk-related knowledge.
Funded Projects
As its name indicates, the objective of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is to support scientific research. The Foundation may lend its support to various kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences and publications.
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SCOR Corporate Foundation
5, avenue Kléber
75795 Paris Cedex 16