Risk Analysis, Ruin theory and Extremes

Risk Analysis, Ruin theory and Extremes

The Foundation financed the RARE (Risk Analysis, Ruin theory and Extremes) Conference organized from July 3 to 8, 2016 by ESSEC Business School’s Center of Research in Economics, Finance & Actuarial Sciences on Risk (CREAR).


This conference presented the results of research conducted by CREAR over four years, in the fields of risk analysis, catastrophes and major events. The purpose of CREAR is to foster research in the quantitative analysis of financial and insurance risks. Click here for more information.

As part of a large global network (funded by the European Union) working for four years on Risk Analysis, Ruin theory and Extremes (RARE), the fourth and final year concluded with a conference presenting the latest findings in these areas.

RARE aimed to address rare events and extremes, analyzing environmental and financial risks using probabilistic tools. Its intention was to create a worldwide network by supporting regular exchange between researchers from the 12 participating institutions from Australia, China, France, India, Japan, Poland, Russia, Switzerland, UK and the USA. It was coordinated by Corina Constantinescu (IFAM Liverpool) and investigated two major themes: “Risk Modelling” (scientific coordination: Marie Kratz, ESSEC Business School) and “New Developments on Extremes and Rare Events” (scientific coordination: Enkelejd Hashorva, HEC Lausanne). The advisory board was composed of Prof. Paul Embrechts (ETH Zurich) and Prof. Ragnar Norberg (Université Lyon 1).

Over the four years, the team produced many publications, ongoing projects and seminars, and were invited and contributed to sessions in international conferences. Seven international workshops were organized all over the world to share the research and promote the latest results.

The conference program covers a wide range of topics and reflects these four intense years of research and contacts. Click here for the full program.