Funded Projects
As its name indicates, the objective of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is to support scientific research. The Foundation may lend its support to various kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences and publications.

Workshop in Paris (May 15th, 2025): Confidence and Fairness: Scientific Foundations in AI and Risk

Climate Risk & Uncertainty Collective Intelligence Laboratory (CRUCIAL)

Human auto-antibodies neutralizing type I interferons: strong, common, and universal determinants of life-threatening viral infections

Fairness of predictive models: an application to insurance markets

The effects of inflation on insurers’ performance and value

Green Innovation to fight Climate Change

Aligning competitive morbidities and causes of early onset deaths

SCOR Chair on Mortality Research

Who, When, and Where? Assessing Mortality Risk of Climate Change

Estimating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on breast cancer

Biodiversity and (Re)Insurance Conference

Annual Actuarial Awards, in partnership with the French Institute of Actuaries

Risks of death at extreme old ages

The Development of Actuarial Science in Tunisia

SCOR Young European Researcher Prize for research into Alzheimer’s disease

SCOR-PSE Chair Annual Conference

POSEIDON Project on Alzheimer’s disease

2020 | Young Researcher Award, presented by the SCOR-PSE Chair

Effects of Climate Risks on Non-Life Insurers' Resilience

A One Health Study of Monkeypox: Human Infection, Animal Reservoir, Disease Ecology, and Diagnostic Tools