In 2023, the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science decided to finance the “SCOR Chair on Mortality Research” for the next four years (2023-2026).
The Chair is led by Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Associate Professor at the Interdisciplinary Center on Population Dynamics (CPop) at the University of Southern Denmark.
Objective of the Chair
How long do we live? With which health conditions do we age? Why and from what causes do we die? With life expectancy reaching unprecedented levels, answers to these questions are vital. The primary objective of this Chair is to initiate research in the fields of demography and actuarial science applied to the analysis of mortality and longevity.
Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Chairholder and Associate Professor at the Interdisciplinary
Center on Population Dynamics (CPop) at the University of Southern Denmark
Steering Committee
- Marie-Pier Bergeron Boucher, Chairholder, Associate Professor, CPop, SDU
- Zeying Peuillet, General Secretary, SCOR Foundation
- Julien Tomas, R&D Actuary, Knowledge, SCOR
- Razvan Ionescu, Head of Biometric Risk Modelling, Knowledge, SCOR
- Trifon Missov, Associate professor, CPop, SDU
- Jana Vobecká, Chief Academic Officer, CPop, SDU
- Iñaki Permanyer, ICREA Research Professor, Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Carlo-Giovanni Camarda, Senior Researcher, Institut National d’Études Démographiques
The research conducted under the Chair focuses on three main topics:
- Analyzing multi-morbidities and causes of death,
- Forecasting mortality,
- Developing demographic models to study changes in mortality.
The Chair aims not just to conduct groundbreaking demographic research in mortality and longevity, but also to train the next generation of researchers through the supervision of PhD students. An important aspect of the Chair is knowledge dissemination, through participation in international conferences and the organization of seminars in conjunction with the SCOR Foundation for Science.
Launch of the Chair, June 6, 2023
The Scientific Council of the SCOR Foundation has decided to support and fund the “SCOR Chair on Mortality Research” for the next four years (2023-2026). The Chair will be directed by Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher, Associate Professor at the Interdisciplinary Center on Population Dynamics (CPop) at the University of Southern Denmark. Marie-Pier Bergeron-Boucher is a young researcher who has published numerous articles in various internationally renowned journals. Read the news
Progress report, February 2025
The primary objective of the Chair is to conduct groundbreaking demographic research in mortality and longevity, with a particular focus on multiple causes of death (MCoD), multi-morbidities, and mortality forecasting. Initially planned for nine research papers, the scope has more than doubled, with three articles published, four submitted, eight in progress, and five more to be produced within the next 20 months. Read the full summary