Funded Projects
As its name indicates, the objective of the SCOR Corporate Foundation for Science is to support scientific research. The Foundation may lend its support to various kinds of risk and (re)insurance-related projects, including university chairs, research projects, conferences and publications.

Workshop in Paris (May 15th, 2025): Confidence and Fairness: Scientific Foundations in AI and Risk

Biodiversity and (Re)Insurance Conference

SCOR-PSE Chair Annual Conference

International Conference on the New Challenges in Insurance

Conference in honor of Nicole EI Karoui

2019, the end of an era?

Annual Emerging Infectious Diseases Seminar

Workshop on Forecasting Danish Life Expectancy and Age at Retirement

Workshop on Longevity and Dependence

International Conference on Emerging Infections & Pandemic Risk

Meteorites - Understanding the Origin of Planetodiversity

Financial Econometrics Conference

Conference on Risk Modelling

Conference on Rethinking Capital Controls and Capital Flows

Risk Analysis, Ruin theory and Extremes

Conference on Anticipation and Insurability of Climatic Risks

Workshop - The Challenge of Managing & Regulating Pension Funds: the French System in a European Perspective