Conference in honor of Nicole EI Karoui

Conference in honor of Nicole EI Karoui

May 21 – 24, 2019 – Sorbonne University, Jussieu Campus, Paris, France


The Foundation lent its support to a scientific conference organized by the Sorbonne University’s Jussieu campus to mark the 75th birthday of Nicole El Karoui, an expert in quantitative risk analysis.

Only 28% of researchers are women. Only 3% of Nobel Prizes have been awarded to these women. Less than 30% of basic science students are women. The under-representation of women in this field weakens scientific innovation in France and abroad. It is also hard for companies in the field to recruit in an equal way.

The economic consequences are significant, because the fact of having no women in the sector reduces the recruitment pool by around a third. Not to mention slower growth. 

The Women in Science conference was a chance to highlight the necessity and the benefits of bringing female scientists out of the shadows. 

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